Books to Movies……

Books to movies eh?

Yes or no? Here you will find movies that are based off books or vice versa. Have you seen them? Did you love them or hate them. Write to me and let me know and I can post your review of them here. This way we can stay away from those horrible movies, and stick with the great ones. [ And guys don’t be toooooo strict about it. If the movie was along the lines of the book and enough to be acceptable give it a ‘yes’ so that we can all check it out] 😉


Kody Koplinger

Hi Guys!

I understand that you have been waiting for me to update our book club, but I am working full time and have been very very very infinity times very busy. But on one of my days off i wanted to watch the movie The Duff. I kept hearing how it is supposed to  be the next great teen movie, the next Mean Girls. I can assure you the movie wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Yes it was funny, and I could definitely watch it again with the girls in my pj’s but the book…..! THE BOOK! I adored it. I figured I should read the book before I watched the movie, so that I could be prepared. I’m a weirdo that way. Anyway I started reading the book, and didn’t stop. In three hours I had the book read and absolutely loved it. image

I found it really endearing, the main character is super likable.  I liked this book because i found that it really related to me. Not necessarily the aspect of a duff but Bianca as a character. Don’t get me wrong. the Bianca in the movie is super likable too and very funny, but i really liked the Bianca in the book a lot more. She goes through a bunch of emotion issues and i think she does so in a very realistic way. You don’t really get to see Bianca face problems like this at all in the movie. And even though the movie does address cyber bullying it didn’t touch on the family issues that Bianca and many other people have had to deal with.

Also I feel that in the movie we don’t really get a feel of who Robbie is. They made his character out to be a stupid football jock. Which is so cliched. Given he is cliched in the book but that is for being a sex crazed party boy with too much money. [Which has also been played out f.y.i.] But through Bianca we get to see what his home life is like, and why he and Bianca have the relationship that they do, what his struggles are like. But that is understandable, because A: books are always moe detailed than movies and B if the movie was made this like the book it would be rated R. [read the book and see what I mean 😉

I’m very excited to  recommend this book. Read it and leave me some comments on its post to lemme know what you though. Also don’t forget to watch the movie so you can see the difference!  This book to movie combo gets a yes!  But only because i liked both separately not because it was a good crossover. Happy reading!

The Best of Me
Nicholas Sparks

Gah where to even begin. Both Both the book and movie were so great. The book was quick paced and we’ll written and the movie was romantic and heart breaking. But if you ask me they were two completely different stories. Now brace yourselves spoilers ahead image

Was Nicholas even involved in the writing of the screenplay. The Best of Me movie was a faint outline of what the books story was. sure the characters names were the same but even the location of the story was different.

We don’t get a sense of how ruthless Abee is in the movie, instead he comes across as somewhat caring of Dawson. And we never get to see Amanda’s mothers true hatred of both Dawson and Tuck.

Also major change. In the movie Dawson accidentally SHOOTS someone whereas in the book he accidentally hits someone with his car who ran into the road. And in the book it’s made clear that neither the judge or the law enforcement believed it was his fault. But because he pleads guilty is given a 4 year sentence. Amanda isn’t even around when it happened.

I enjoyed how in the novel you also get a sense of how hard Dawson tries to escape his family stigma. It seems the town has some semblance of the true Dawson; his teachers recognize how smart he is; the community sees he stays out of trouble; and they know he’s being physically abused by his father.

This is one of the reasons the book is always better than the movie. It’s hard for the movie to get these across. However the movie has its own merits. It was beautiful. You really get that down home feeling. I liked the casting of Dawson and Amanda as both youth and adults.

In the book I feel like their young relationship was just breezed over. When they meet in Oriental again for Tucks reading they’re excited to see each other. Like Amanda runs into his arms when they meet at the garage. In the movie their adult relationship is more reserved.

Finally I would have really liked to see the doctor in the movie. The spirit of the man Dawson hit with his car guides Dawson out of precarious and life threatening situations in the book. It would have been interesting to see that come alive on the silver screen. but as they cut that entire story line out…. that also means they had to change how Dawson died.

EhBookEhDay gives this book to movie combo a yes!

Read the book! If anything just to see the differences and compare. And I’m not saying one is better than the other, they’re just very different stories.

Happy Reading, Happy Watching

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